We have compiled this list of resources to help make your travel, rental, and stay as easy as possible. Much can be found online, especially this helpful travel resource website:
If we can answer any other questions, let us know! info@RentaDucati.com
Bikes Available
Our inventory of bikes change locations often, so the easiest way to see which bike is currently at the location of interest is to book now, select your location and dates, and the available bikes will show on the right side. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us (info@RentaDucati.com).
Getting There
Flying: The easiest option is to fly directly into San Diego International Airport (SAN), then it is a quick $5 taxi ride to GP Motorcycles. From Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) it is 120 miles.
Driving: From Los Angeles take I-5 South for ~120 miles, exit Sassafras St. and parallel the highway, then left on Sassafras St., under the highway and left again on India St. GP will be on your right at 3617 India Street, Suite B
Parking: There is short term parking near GP Motorcycles, but long term parking is most easily available at the San Diego airport from $10/day:
There are a great number of interesting hotels in and around San Diego. Check out this website for more info: San Diego Hotels
Some of our local favorites:
Casa De Bandini (map, reviews) - located in Old Town, great Mexican food and margaritas!
Bali Hai (website) - located on Shelter Island tropical island kitsch with good food and lots of fun
Gas Lamp District: Several excellent restaurants are in this area, all are good and too many to list so here's a link... www.gaslamp.org/directory/dining.html
Or if you aren't sure where you will be, here is a list of great restaurants throughout San Diego: www.sandiegorestaurants.com/top10.cfm
Our Favorite Local Rides
Feel free to ask us for recommendations when you come to the shop to pick up your rental, but here are some recommendations you can check out beforehand:
Palomar Mountain Road: www.socalvelo.com/sub/palomar.html
San Diego Beaches: www.sandiego.org/article_set/Visitors/11/338
Anza Borego Desert: www.desertusa.com/anza_borrego/du_abp_map.html
Town of Julian: www.julianca.com/about_julian/index.htm
Hook Up With Local San Diego Riders
Looking for riders to go out with in the San Diego area during your visit? Try these spots every Saturday and Sunday between 7:30 and 10am:
Mira Mesa Starbucks in the Home Depot shopping center (map)
Mobile Gas Station on Telegraph Canyon Rd. (map)
Local Ride Maps and Online Info
Check out our friends over at SundayMorningRides.com. They have over 1000 ride maps (128 for California alone!) on their site, along with all kinds of great rider info. Go check them out to plan your rental ride!
Listed on ridetheworld.com - the motorcyclists resource for hire, rental and touring